Webinars, Events,
& In-Person Meetings
Renosa is pleased to be able to provide access and information through various webinars and events, both those we support and those we facilitate.
DC Power Systems
Please join us for an introduction to battery technologies and associated DC equipment related to many applications such as Switchgear, Engine Start, UPS, Data Centers, Telecommunications. We will provide an overview of technologies and the involved characteristics that will be highly valuable in designing systems for every application.
Attendees will learn about all the factors that play into choosing the right solution for their application. With this knowledge, creating DC systems including batteries, configurations, chargers, containment and more will allow Engineers and End Users alike to build the right systems for the future.
IEEE PDH Credit Training
IEEE Member led PDH (Professional Development Hour) credits geared towards those who are professionally licensed as an engineer. In most states engineering industry workers need to earn PDHs to maintain an active licensure.
Renosa facilitates these trainings with our industry partners to bring you the most current education and information regarding trending innovations.
Product Specific
Allow us to tailor the quote and product offering to meet the specific needs of your project. We would be happy to meet with individuals or a team to advise on products and to ensure that we are providing you with a quote(s) that fit your project and budget.
We have extensive knowledge and expertise that will be utilized to navigate the vast product offering of quality products that are available through the superior manufacturers that Renosa represents to advise the best purchase for your needs.
Maintenance Training
Maintenance is an important factor in quality assurance and in some cases determines the long-term success of a company. Poorly maintained resources can cause instability and partially or completely pause the production. Malfunctioning machines or complete breakdowns can become a costly process for most companies.
Focusing on predicting and preventing can prove to be an investment of time and energy that has a valuable ROI and a protection of needed assets.
Attendees will learn about the processes, resources, and other factors required to ensure proper maintenance.